What to expect at a session!
There are three key pieces to providing this method. The practitioner who is bringing their knowledge and professionalism to you, the rider who has a wealth of knowledge about their horse and their needs, and the horse who is going to guide the practitioner through their needs during the session.
Gait analysis
Close examination of the horses gait at the walk. Looking for the ease of motion and for any source of restriction, stickiness, and muscle tightness.
Rider discussion
A detailed discussion between practitioner and rider about how the horse feels under saddle during performance. The rider is going to know the horse the best and can give great insight into the horses restrictions and weak spots.
Application of Method
Depending on the horse, a full body work up will be completed. Palpating to identify areas of tightness, followed through with the techniques to alleviate any restrictions or tightness.
Observation of change
Recommended exercise after massage in order to integrate the muscles back into motion. Follow up with horse and rider for progress after massage and to figure out next steps going forward to help their journey continue.